about us

Welcome to

Sand & Stars Kindergarten

We strive to nurture children aged 3 to 6 through dynamic teaching methodologies (English, Mandarin & Malay languages) to ensure the children build up multi-linguistic skills in a confident way to align with Stellar Education Group vision, To be a member of the generation of stars in the sustainable future in the ever changing world.

Subjects & Activities
Years of Experience
Spacious Study Environment

Open Classroom Concept

Our open classroom concept allows teacher to create space according to the class size and space that the activities require. Along the way, teachers can teach children to learn how to respect the different spaces and also about co-sharing spaces with others. This also lets children learn  how to adapt to an area with different noises while learning to respect the different boundaries and to focus on their own task.

Sand & Stars Kindergarten believes in educating a child in the way an individual should go to ensure the achievements of global citizenship through a comprehensive holistic curriculum which focuses on building up the general knowledge, soft skills, Eastern values foundation through academic subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, language, mannerism and more. 

A Message from Principal

Welcome to our School

Learning through play is the key. Sand & Stars Kindergarten encourages its students to enjoy learning in ways other than books and pencils. We also provide large group activities inclusive of Music & Movement, Physical Education, Assembly, Storytelling, and Playground time. Apart from that, children will be learning English, Mandarin, Malay languages as well as Mathematics and Science subjects and practical life skills.

In Sand & Stars Kindergarten, children are able to enjoy the learning process, comprehend the understanding of the topics taught, and be ready to explore further in the learning journey with the opportunities provided to learn using their five senses via hands-on activities.

Ms Emily Chin
Principal of Sands & Stars Kindergarten